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Applying to Becky High Sixth

We welcome students who are driven, have a strong work ethic, are academically ambitious and have a vision for their future. To join our Sixth Form, you will need a minimum of 44 points from your best 8 GCSE results. The following must also apply:

  • GCSE Maths and English (Literature or Language) must be Grade 5 or above.
  • You must achieve the minimum GCSE grades required in your intended subjects of study, as detailed on page 23 of our prospectus here.

The majority of our students study 3 A-Levels and an EPQ. The option to study 4 A-Levels is only a possibility for applicants achieving at least 64 points from their best 8 GCSEs. Students wishing to study Further Maths as a 4th A-Level who have not quite achieved the minimum of 64 points but show a real strength in maths and further maths at GCSE will be considered on a case-by-case basis. GCSE point scores will be calculated as below:

Grade 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Point Score 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

All of the A-Level options available to start in September 2024 can be viewed on page 23 of our prospectus here

Sixth Form applications for September 2024 entry have now closed. Students with conditional offers can view the progress of their application using the following link https://beaconsfieldhigh.applicaa.com/year12.

Those who missed the application deadline or did not receive an offer can apply on GCSE results day, using the link above, and join our waiting list.

Note: We will do everything we can to run the courses outlined on our curriculum. However, where we don’t have sufficient interest we may not be able
to run certain courses, but we will work with you to find another that is suited to your strengths and your future aspirations. Any student wishing to change their A-Level subjects once they have started the course in September of their Year 12 will only be able to do so up to the end of September. This allows all students to experience four weeks of the teaching cycle (weeks A and B) in all their subjects.